Childhood Cirrhosis: Reversible to Irreversible Liver Disease

Cirrhosis is the term used to describe a diseased liver. Cirrhosis cannot be cured. But complications of cirrhosis can be reduced by taking proper dietary steps, medicines and procedures required. In simpler terms scarring of liver is called as cirrhosis. Scarring occurs due to persistent insults/infection or damage to Liver. Many children with advanced cirrhosis have jaundice. children with cirrhosis are at increased risk for developing liver cancer. In children, metabolic liver disease, Wilson disease, neonatal cholestasis, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C can lead to Cirrhosis.

Scarring makes it difficult for blood to flow through the liver. As a result, veins in other areas outside of the liver become abnormally expanded. Abnormally expanded blood vessels are referred to as varices. One place where varices are commonly found is in the esophagus, the swallowing tube connecting the mouth with the stomach .when the pressure in the varices reaches a certain level, the varices can burst, which can cause massive bleeding/vomiting. Patients with cirrhosis are at risk of easy bruising and bleeding. Once bleeding starts it can be severe. Liver performs important function to reduce bleeding by producing coagulation proteins. In cirrhosis production of these reduces hence the bleeding tendencies.

Body fluids accumulate as a result of liver scarring and a decreased ability to manufacture blood proteins. Fluid is typically seen in the legs and abdomen (ascites) and sometimes in the lung Ascites causes the abdomen to enlarge as fluid accumulates, which can cause shortness of breath and a feeling of fullness. The fluid provides an environment where bacteria can grow, increasing the risk of infection.

Hepatic encephalopathy is a condition that develops when the liver is unable to break down toxins normally found in the bloodstream, such as ammonia. In this condition, confusion or even coma are caused by toxins that build up in the blood. In the early stages, there may be mild symptoms, such as difficulty sleeping or sleeping too much. Advanced hepatic encephalopathy can cause confusion, delirium, and even coma. Hepatic encephalopathy can develop suddenly and may become a medical emergency.

Children with cirrhosis should see Pediatric gastroenterologist regularly for monitoring and treatment of cirrhosis complications. Although cirrhosis cannot be cured, several treatments are available to minimize cirrhosis-related complications. Endoscopic variceal ligation may be required every 2 months initially to control bleeding. Band ligation of enlarged vessels helps in reducing the chances of bloody vomiting and is a safe procedure. Ascites (fluid in abdomen) may require tapping for diagnostic analysis. In case of severe breathlessness with distended abdomen large amount of fluid may be removed and is supplemented with albumin. Hepatic encephalopathy earlier diagnosed can be reversed with appropriate treatment.

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